Island News & Updates

Two issues were brought to our attention during adoption day, and we are looking into them. Thank you for informing us and providing all the information you can.

Adoption Day Bugs:

  1. Sometimes, a different currency is spent than the one selected when adopting from The Daycare
    Player Reports: 2
    • If you found that the incorrect currency was used and want a refund of that currency and exchange for the correct currency please submit a claim
  2. Sometimes, the error "Not enough currency to make this purchase." is thrown when attempting to adopt a character despite the player having enough of the chosen currency
    Player Reports: 3

We are looking into both of these issues and intend to resolve them before the next large adoption day. 🙇

Adoption Day is January 17th @ 12:00 PM

As of 1:15 PM, 3 Isomara and 1 Isomara Egg are left!
(One of the Isomara left, I-0390 also comes with a Memora Companion!)

Tomorrow at noon all the following isomara, companions, and eggs shown will be available to adopt via The Daycare.


Daycare Adoption Details

  • All adopts in The Daycare are first come first serve
  • E-0038 will be bundled with the purchase of I-0390
  • Egg prices do not reflect potential trait rarity or species breed, unlike normal adoption sale prices
  • Seashells Seashells, Sand Dollars Sand Dollar, and Queens Conch Queens Conch currency will be available to use to adopt from The Daycare
    • Eggs will only be available to buy with Seashells and Sand Dollar (We seemed to have enabled Queens Conch to be used, whoops! If you'd like a refund of Queens Conch in exchange for the ss or sd submit a claim)
  • If anyone has any issues buying a character from The Daycare when these adopts go live please either:
    • Comment on this new post with 1. The currency you're trying to use & 2. Which character(s) are you attempting to buy
    • Ping or DM SlayersStronghold on Discord with 1. The currency you're trying to use & 2. Which character(s) are you attempting to buy
      • We cannot promise to 100% reserve the character you are trying to buy if an error occurs when you try to purchase from The Daycare but will be diligent in resolving any issues or hiccups.

Posted 3 weeks and 4 hours ago || Last edited 2 weeks and 6 days ago by NPC

Village Banquet Event Prompt

This event has ended and the prompt submission will be approved in the following days!

General Event Guidelines & Information:

  • This event is being hosted only on the official Isomara Island site
    • There is a version of this event on Toyhouse and DeviantArt where those who participate have a chance to earn an invite key and other rewards for the site (for more info see below)
  •  You may use any isomara you own, any NPC, or Community Isomara (such as Deus) for the Village Banquet Prompt. The only NPC that cannot be used for the bonus activity is Slayer.
    • You may include other player characters in the Village Banquet Prompt submissions as long as the character permissions permit being included in gift art/writing

Event Prompt Details

As the cold sets in and the final harvests have wrapped up across the island many villages hold a final large feast to celebrate the year and the other villagers in their lives. The banquet can only be a success with your help.

What do you choose to make or bring to your village's banquet? You may bring any edible food such as fruits, vegetables, fish, etc. or do you go all out and try making something?

View the Village Banquet Prompt Here for more details, submission requirements, and the bonus activity
This is a limited-time prompt that ends at 11:59 PM on December 9th, the bonus activity closes at 11:59 PM on November 30th

Prompt Rewards

  • The Catered Meal Achievement will be awarded to all isomara included in this prompt submission as well as all isomara who enter into the bonus activity below (achievements can only be earned once per isomara)
  • Optional: Include your Isomara's companions in the prompt submission to receive x1 care bundle per companion (the care bundle will be based on which companions are entered Ex. Memora companions included will reward you a Memora Care Bundle)
  • All players who participate in this prompt will also receive x1 of each food item that is made official. If an Isomara brings in a new dish or food, we may make it an official item! We would love to see unique real-life family recipes or meals make it into these submissions!

Village Banquet Event on ToyHouse & DeviantArt

We are hosting a slightly different version of this event for those who do not have an account on the Isomara Island site. Those who participate will earn a raffle entry with a chance to earn an invitation key to the website, 200ss, and a common standard Isomara MYO Slot! There will be two winners on each site.

Please feel free to share to get the word out! These giveaways end when it's no longer December 1st anywhere in the world!

Toyhouse Event Giveaway [ENDED]

DeviantArt Event Giveaway [ENDED]

Posted 2 months and 1 week ago || Last edited 1 month and 3 weeks ago by NPC

Black Friday Sale 2024

Please enjoy the 20% discount to all adopts and MYO Slots of $5 or more (20% off rounded to the nearest dollar).
I appreciate all of our players here and am very happy that people continue to enjoy the ARPG.


Sale Ends: December 8th at 11:59 PM

Posted 2 months and 1 week ago || Last edited 1 month and 4 weeks ago by NPC

Darwin has come across a bunch of different coupons to shops in his lost and found!
Get them while they last!

Darwin's Donations

(You can only collect 1 item per every 10 minutes)

There was an issue with the coconut coupon's discount being incorrectly set to 10% off instead of 50% off. If anyone has used a coconut coupon since joining the site please submit a claim, so we may refund you half of the original purchase price that was made when the coconut was used.

  • All coupon items have had their descriptions updated to include the shop and price discount
  • All coupon items have been added to their own item category which you'll see in your inventory

Posted 2 months and 2 days ago || Last edited 2 months and 2 days ago by NPC

This update includes some updates, changes, and fixes since Update 7.5. We wanted to push these changes sooner rather than waiting on Update 8.0 as these are rather important.
View all past Update Logs

Website Updates


Seashells Earning In-Game Currency Balancing

The In-Game Currency Guide has received a large update to rebalance currency earning through submissions including some newly added sections, and removed sections. Much of the description text for each type and section has also been improved for clarity and improved understanding with added example images. More images will be added in the future.

⬆️Seashell Rewards Increase Payout

  • Level of Finish
    • Sketch from 1ss to 5ss
    • Clean Lines or Lineless from 3ss to 12ss
  • Character Visibility
    • Half Body from 10ss to 15ss
    • Bust / Headshot from 4ss to 10ss
  • Art Bonus Options
    • Full Color from +5ss to +10ss
    • Simple Shading from +5ss to +10ss
    • Complex Shading from +15ss to +25ss
    • Basic Background from +10ss to +15ss
    • Advanced Background from +25ss to +60ss
  • Activity Bonuses
    • Training from +2ss to +4ss
    • Exploration from +2ss to +4ss
    • Voyaging from +2ss to +4ss

⬇️ Seashells Reward Reduced Payout

  • Art Bonus Options
    • Partial Background from +5ss to +2ss
  • Activity Bonuses
    • Prompt Pavilion from +5ss to +4ss
  • Miscellaneous Bonuses
    • Isomara & Large Companion from +10ss to +8ss
    • Small Companions & Critters from 5ss to 4ss

➕ Added Seashell Payout Sections

  • Character Visibility
    • Chibi Half Body: 10ss
    • Chibi Bust / Headshot: 5ss
  • Art Bonus Options
    • Limited Color: +5ss
    • Intermediate Background: +30ss

Removed Seashell Payout Sections

  • Level of Finish
    • Painted: 5ss

🌠Past Work Seashell Redemption

IMPORTANT! For those players who have been around since before the website you'll likely remember the small payout of seashells in the prior 10 years which slowly increased over time. To thank the players with this rebalance we will be allowing all old work to be eligible for another seashell payout again using the new rates above as there have been many changes and improvements over the lifetime of the ARPG.

This means any work from 2014 to the present day can be submitted to the site's gallery and receive seashells with the new payout changes!

  • If you've already uploaded some old work to the site's galleries you may either delete them and resubmit them or submit a claim with the links to the submissions and we will recalculate the seashell earnings for them.
  • Any work submitted to the site that has received seashells for it will not be eligible for this new payout redemption
  • You may not resubmit the old work for any prompt or activity if it was already used for one back on the DeviantArt version of the ARPG

This is a special one-time happenstance that will only be available until January 31st, 2025. After that date, players are still welcome and encouraged to upload any and all work onto the site's galleries, but old work from before the site's existence will not be eligible for a secondary seashell payout.

If you have any questions please leave a comment in this news post.
Also, here's a secret code for reading all this! Use code 15335345H3LL5 to redeem some free seashells and a sanddollar. This code expires on February 1st, 2025!


🗨️ Wording Changes to Earning In-Game Currency Guide

  • We moved the word "bust" to be included in the headshots section of character visibility as a bust is closer to the amount of headshot visibility and not a half-body
  • Removed the "anatomically incorrect" wording when describing chibi proportions because while that can be used for chibi proportions a normal full body can be stylized and be anatomically incorrect and not be considered a chibi. We welcome stylized work and any art that drifts away from what one may consider to be "official" isomara anatomy and art style.

  • Fixed Accessories and Equipment not displaying their descriptions in the Index
  • Fixed Companion Care Drops fail to populate at the start of the month automatically (December drops have been distributed!)
  • Fixed Written work not being calculated correctly for seashell earning (We knew it was wrong and ensured players were rewarded accurately thanks to old formulas and scripts we still have)

Posted 2 months and 3 days ago || Last edited 2 months and 3 days ago by NPC

Updates, Changes, & Fixes since Update 7.4. This journal outlines additions and changes to the Isomara Island ARPG since the previous update. You may be familiar with some of the topics below. At times we announce new features right away in the Discord, but we want to ensure the entire community knows the latest news and fixes.
View all past Update Logs

Website Updates


🐈 Memora Species Traits

🟢 Goom Species Traits

📁 Character Sorting

Go to My Characters under the Accounts section/tab to create and sort your characters into groupings with assigned labels and descriptions. You can view character groups by viewing all characters on a player's profile page.

🎁 October & November Companion Care Drops

  • Memic drops have been enabled! Available items and rates can be found on the Care Drops Resources page.
  • Drops have been delivered to all companions of isomara for both October and November, we apologize for the delay.
  • This is a reminder that most companions can only up to 3 months' worth of drops. Companions will not be able to gather more when at max limit! Claim them before they max out.

🛍️ Shop Additions


📶 Item Price Balances in Pacings' Shop

  • Clams price increase from 20ss to 54ss
  • Berries, Eggshells, Feathers, Flowers, Rocks, Skrill, and Tall Grass prices increase from 2ss to 3ss
  • Sand, Sticks, Snow, and Moss prices increase from 2ss to 4ss
  • Ice price increase from 4ss to 5ss
  • Wheat price increase from 4ss to 7ss

🫧 Miscellaneous

  • Snow now has a 25% chance of curing Dehydration and 25% chance of curing Critter Bites
  • Reduced stamina timer from 5 seconds to 3 seconds when playing Queen's Cache and Tide Pools
  • We hope you appreciate these updates and changes. As a thank you if you enter the code MOCH1MADNESS into the secret code redemption you'll receive some free goodies!

🔧 UI & Layout Tweaks

  • Added a sidebar to the island news and adopt sales pages
  • Rearranged some of the sidebar items on player pages
  • Cleaned up and altered formatting of the homepage (Recommended to clear browser cache [CTRL+F5])
  • Cleaned up and altered the formatting of player profile pages
  • Cleaned up and altered the formatting of the comments
  • Minor mobile optimization

  • Fixed broken Twitter link in the community dropdown of the nav bar
  • Fixed 500 errors upon viewing certain index pages of equipment and accessories

🐛Known Bugs

You can find the full list of known issues here. These are issues that have been reported by players or noted by staff and have not been resolved yet but are on our radar.
New issues on our radar:

  • Players sometimes are unable to adopt characters from The Daycare if multiple currencies are listed
  • Equipment and Accessory items in shops sometimes will list the incorrect amount of the items in the player's inventory

Posted 3 months and 20 hours ago || Last edited 2 months and 1 week ago by NPC

Hallows Extravaganza Event 2024

General Event Guidelines & Information:

  • This event is being hosted on both the Isomara Island Site & on DeviantArt (DA version will launch on October 3rd)
  • Art / Literature cannot be used on both the Site and DA for double the rewards. If any entry is submitted twice, rewards will only be rewarded once.
  • You may use any character you own, most NPCs, or Deus in any activity, game, or prompt
    • NPCs that cannot be used in any Hallows Extravaganza Prompt are Thyme, Aycorn, and Carmen
    • You may include other player characters as long as the character permissions permit being included in gift art/writing
  • Art must be full body (at least 75% of the character showing)
  • Art must be colored or shaded (Carnival Game Prompts do not require color or shading!)
  • Literature needs to be at least 400 words in length (Carnival game prompts only need a minimum of 200 words)

Activity #1 - Hidden Treats

Isomara all around are making tasty treats you may have a chance of being gifted some mochi if you ask around.
There are five unique fruit-filled mochi and 5 normal mochi to find across the site. Finding one will give a clue to another.

Hidden Treats Scavenger Hunt Ended: 25 October 2024, 23:59:59 MST (UTC-07:00)
Candy Hunt Scavenger Hunt Ended: 02 November 2024, 23:59:59 MST (UTC-07:00)
Activity #1 Prompt Closed: 31 October 2024, 23:59:59 MST (UTC-07:00)

Activity #2 - Apple Bobbing

Try your skill at bobbing for apples. 

Daily stamina has increased to 5 during this event. Players can use that stamina to bob for apples to receive mochi. Stamina remains shared between the Tide Pools, Queen's Cache, and Apple Bobbing.

Play Here - Apple Bobbing Game

Apple Bobbing Prompt:
   Submit a prompt with art about bobbing for apples to receive more rewards (no daily limit!)
     Prompt Rewards - x1 Item + x3 Mochi (currency) + 2 Stat Points
     Submit Prompt Here


Activity #2 Game & Prompt Closed: 31 October 2023, 23:59:59 MST (UTC-07:00)

Activity #3 - NPC Carnival

The annual Hallows Carnival is up and running, but some usual booths are unavailable. Stay tuned for updates and more booths.
These games may cost seashells to play. Please play responsibly.


Bubble Pop

Play the Game
Submit the Prompt

Flukey Ball

Play the Game
Submit the Prompt

Apple Bobbing

Play the Game
Submit the Prompt






Play the Game
Submit the Prompt

Palm Reading

Play the Game

Wheel of Seasons

Play the Game


Activity #3 All Games Close: 31 October 2023, 23:59:59 MST (UTC-07:00)

Bubbling Under (Questline)

Stay tuned for more updates

Teaser #1 | Teaser #2

Shop #1 - Treat Trade-In

Stop by and trade the mochi you earned during the Hallows Event for sweet goodies such as hand-crafted fruit daifuku, legendary finds, charms, and mystery candy!

Shop Closed: 10th November 2024, 23:59:59 MST (UTC-07:00)

Shop #2 - tricky Treasures

Next to the usual treat trade-in booth is another shop with a nervous character fumbling about under the table.

"Ouch, ah not again! H-Hi my shop stall if ready. Bringing all my stock took some time." They seem to avoid eye contact while they speak to you.

Shop Closed: 5th November 2024, 23:59:59 MST (UTC-07:00)

Hallows Gift Bundle

A new Hallows-themed gift bundle is available at Slay's Concessions.
It will only be available during October. Grab it and open it while you can!


Daily Login Rewards!

Collect even more treats by claiming a free daily reward just for logging in. Try to login in and claim rewards daily to receive all that you can!

Posted 4 months and 5 days ago || Last edited 2 months and 1 week ago by NPC

Updates, Changes, & Fixes since Update 7.3. This journal outlines additions and changes to the Isomara Island ARPG since the previous update. You may be familiar with some of the topics below. At times we announce new features right away in the Discord, but we want to ensure the entire community knows the latest news and fixes.
View all past Update Logs

Website Updates


🐲 Character Porting

  • Since the Limited Open Registration on September 7th, we've uploaded user characters. Fetching the original hi-res images and all iterations of characters takes time and we thank everyone for their patience. At this time, all characters and items for all users on the official site have been uploaded. If you believe you are missing any characters or official image refs please submit a claim.
  • If your character's official image has a background (with the inventory, companions, mouth, etc boxes) and you want it to be a transparent background please submit a claim as well. There are a small number of characters where we do not have the original image or .psd anymore but we will do our best to recreate them.
  • Note that custom accessories will be ported over at a later time

✏️ Make-Your-Own (MYO) Slots

🖌️ Design Guide

The character design has gone through another draft wave where we have added more information, clarity, and example images. We will continue to work on this page and fill out all missing details in the following updates.

  • Added definitions for MYO and custom characters
  • Added a new redesign info section for adopts made by SlayersStronghold and other guest artists
  • Added an Allowed and Not Allowed section to the redesign portion of the design guide
  • Mentioned a variety of items that can be used to change or alter character designs

🐈 Memora Species Traits

We've gone and updated the rarities of Memora traits along with added new traits. All uploaded Memora have been updated accordingly.

  • New Traits:
    • Special Hydra Stinger
    • Special Transparent Boa
    • Uncommon Dolphin Tail
    • Uncommon Moth Tail
    • Rare Plucked Tail
    • Rare Sprout Tail
    • Rare Eyebrow Quills
    • Rare Spinal Quills
    • Added Quill Amount Trait Category:
      • Each Quill type can have an amount of one to three quills in varying rarity. There is also a special fourth spine and tail quill amount
    • All Memora trait art has been completed. View the Memora Visual Trait Index

🟢 Goom Species Traits

  • New Traits:
    • Special Scarred Membrane

🌟 New Isomara Achievements

  • Delightfully Dwarf
    • Awarded when consuming a Super Height Changer and unlocking Dwarfism. Grants the height range 3'0" (cm) to 3'11" (cm)
  • Gracefully Giant
    • Awarded when consuming a Super Height Changer and unlocking Gigantism. Grants the height range 7'0" (cm) to 7'11" (cm)

📶 Isomara Heights

  • Players can change an isomara's height freely by selecting the "Edit Profile" button in the profile section of an isomara's master list page. By default available heights will be from 4'6" (137cm) to 6'11" (210cm). By consuming two Super Height Changer an isomara can unlock both Dwarfism and Gigantism. These in turn unlock additional heights for your isomara to choose from.
  • All isomara who previously had Dwarfism or Gigantism have been granted the corresponding achievement to unlock those height ranges.

🎁 September Companion Care Drops

  • Drops have been delivered to all companions of isomara
  • A reminder that most companions can only up to 3 months' worth of drops. Companions will not be able to gather more when at max limit! Claim them before they max out.
  • Thank you for your patience on this month's drops as we wanted to wait till all new players had their characters ported over from DeviantArt first before doling out the drops (we are still investigating the issue where drops are not populating automatically on the 1st of the month).


🫧 Miscellaneous

  • Rewrote and added more information on all types in-game currency in the first portion of the In-Game Currency Guide. Also, added more links to called out other mechanics and features.
  • Added myo slot info and design guides to the Resources dropdown of the nav bar
  • Added additional identifying icons to some items in these dropdown lists of the nav bar
  • Clarified that eye drops can be used to change the color of scleras of Isomara with the black sclera special trait
  • Added artwork to Eye Drops Item


  • Fixed table containers and images in Design Guide from flowing off the page
  • Fixed the inability to click on the navigation bar when using smaller window sizes and mobile devices
  • Improved home page layout on mobile devices
    • Note that there still may be issues on some mobile devices. Full mobile optimization is scheduled for much later in development. Please continue to send in bug reports listing the model of phone/tablet you use along with the issue, so we can thoroughly cover and test when optimizing.
  • Frio's icon no longer shows up when Carmen is asking for a fetch quest
  • Fixed broken Bluesky social image in footer
  • Fixed broken Rainbow Cloud Hopper image

🐛Known Bugs

You can find the full list of known issues here. These are issues that have been reported by players or noted by staff and have not been resolved yet but are on our radar.
New issues on our radar:

  • 500 error upon viewing certain index pages pertaining to equipment and accessories

Posted 4 months and 2 weeks ago || Last edited 3 months and 2 weeks ago by NPC

Hallows Extravaganza Event 2023

Bring On The Carnival Questline Conclusion, and The Carnival Is Here!

Scroll down to read up and participate



Click this to read a previous year's comic for a small lore snippet!  ------->


The worship of the Abyssals and Havens has subsided greatly over the years, and the celebrations of tasty treats and dances have changed and grown outside of their original purpose. Hallows Month still involves enjoying the sharing of treats, but dancing and dressing have been traded for more games of play. Everyone is here to share the stories of old, bask in the changing of the season, and have some good old fun!

General Event Guidelines & Information:

  • This event is being hosted on both the Isomara Island Site & on DeviantArt
  • Must be a member of the Isomara Island group to participate on DeviantArt
  • Must have an account/ be an Early Access supporter to participate on
  • Art / Literature cannot be used on both the Site and DA for double the rewards. If any entry is submitted twice, rewards will only be rewarded once.
  • You may use any Isomara you own, an NPC, or Deus in any activity, game, or prompt
  • Art must be full body (at least 75% of the character showing)
  • Art must be colored
  • Literature needs to be at least 400 words in length

Activity #1 - Trick or Treat

Carmen & Frio have made a lot of mochi and hidden the treats for the isolings to find. This information spread, so now everyone is on the hunt for mochi. 
There are five unique fruit-filled mochi and five normal mochi to find across the site. Finding one will give a clue to another.

Activity #1 Ends: 31 October 2023, 23:59:59 MST (UTC-07:00)

Activity #2 - Apple Bobbing

Try your skill at bobbing for apples. 

Daily stamina has increased to 5 during this event. Players can use that stamina to bob for apples to receive mochi. Stamina remains shared between the Tide Pools, Queen's Cache, and Apple Bobbing.

Apple Bobbing Prompt:
   Submit a prompt with art about bobbing for apples to receive more rewards (no daily limit!)
     Prompt Rewards - x1 Item + x3 Mochi (currency)
     Submit Prompt Here


Activity #1 Ends: 31 October 2023, 23:59:59 MST (UTC-07:00)

Shop - Treat Trade-In

Stop by and trade the mochi you earned during the Hallows Event for sweet goodies such as hand-crafted fruit daifuku, legendary finds, charms, and mystery candy!

Some items have a maximum buy limit per person:

  • Maximum 1 Queen's Conch per person
  • Maximum 1 Wish in a Bottle per person
  • Maximum 3 Mystery Candy per person
  • Maximum 5 Ultra Mystery Candy per person
  • Maximum 5 Sand Dollars per person

Shop Closes: 5th November 2023, 23:59:59 MST (UTC-07:00)

Activity #3 - Bring on the Carnival! (Questline)

Part 1: Winds Brew Wildness

     While windy weather alone won't stop Thyme and the rest of the crew from setting up a carnival, a thunderstorm will. Strange enough, no one has seen any lightning or rainfall, but signs of bolt strikes are present on the grounds, and the wooden stalls and decorations keep being knocked over even though they are wind-proof. 
     Thyme stands around a circle of other Isomara.
     "We need recruits to scout and watch over the grounds and surrounding area at night. I'm not letting another year slip by without a carnival! Get anyone you can to investigate the lightning marks and keep an eye on the weather." Commands Thyme.

     Draw/ Write about investigating the mysterious lightning strike marks and/or watching over the carnival grounds. Keep an eye out for anything bizarre and out of sorts.

Part 2: Swirling Winds & Strange Howls 

     Many Isomara showed up to volunteer in the investigation. Some kept an eye from the sky, while others scoured the grounds for clues. Thyme gathers everyone back into the center of the under-construction carnival. "Thanks to everyone's efforts and assistance, we might have a lead on the strange lightning strikes causing the carnival plans to stall." His words were stern, and the Isomara around him showed excitement at what they had just heard. 

     "While no lightning was seen in the last few nights, one duo of Isomara and their companions reported hearing howling in the area. The howling was mentioned to be louder during nights of strong winds." Murmurs around the circle commenced. Some could be heard.

'Well, of course, howling is heard during the wind. This is what wind does!' shouted one Isomara. 

'I bet it was one of us here just fooling around.' said an older Isomara with a scoff.

     Thymes ears twitched upon hearing these sudden spoken thoughts and added, "No matter the cause, we will find it. I will keep a closer eye on things the next couple of days, even... if it means losing my beauty sleep." His voice got quieter as he said that, almost as if he regretted making the self-promise as soon as the words left his mouth. He gulps in some air and returns to his previous composure. "Some animals might be making a ruckus during these windy nights. We will set up the stalls again, as well as some traps. Can all of you help us gather the materials to rebuild the broken stalls and also help in laying the traps?"

This part has two solutions. You may pick either one:

    1. Supply x5 Wood or Driftwood (Can be a combination), x13 Sticks, x1 Cloth or Fabric, x1 Simple Dye, x2 String or Vines (Can be a combination), and x18 Rocks
    2. Include a drawing or story about setting traps or helping build the carnival game booths/ stalls. It must also include Thyme.
  • Submit Part 2 Prompt Here
    • You can either submit art/lit or supply the exact amount of materials.
    • If supplying the materials when submitting the prompt under comments, mention that or add all the items listed above in the Add-Ons section.
Part 3: Ferocious Friction

     As everyone returned to the campground that following morning, only a few things were noticed to have been knocked over. Whimpering accompanied by tiny howls is heard coming from a triggered trap. The wooden trap laid out last night was now covered in stray foliage and a fallen sheet. As you approach, you notice marks of lightning strikes on the ground, making their way back to the center of the trap's location. You and the other crowding proceed closer with more caution.

     "Let me help. If it's a wild predator, you could be in danger." Thyme states with a paw, separating you and the trap. Having an experienced tamer reassures you. 

     Thyme gently removes the debris of leaves, sticks, and other plant matter. Then you grab one side of the sheet, and Thyme grips the other. You toss the sheet to the side, letting the light wind carry it a few paws length away. In the trap is a tiny young critter. Hunched, cowering in the wooden cage's center, was the creator of the howls. A four-legged furry critter with dark fur. It stops howling for a second and begins to shake uncontrollably. Its fur was starting to lift from the building friction until suddenly! <a href=


     The built-up static released itself outward and into the ground, leaving a darkened mark upon the earth. Thyme, yourself, and the others are lightly shocked enough to startle and back up. 

  Draw/ Write about calming the creature down. Is there something you can say or give to it? Please keep it in the trap/cage, though. We wouldn't want it to attack anyone out of fear.

Part 4: A Baby Bahrū [Questline Conclusion]

     "Whoo. That lil guy sure gave us a startle. Must have gotten lost or chased out of the forest by a memic. It's a bahrū, probably no older than three new moons. I'm impressed you got it to calm down." Thyme begins to look at the critter and think.

     "I've never tamed one, so you should consider taking it. I've got my claws full with the other critters at the tavern anyway." he flips his hair with a smirk. "Of course, I need to take it with me for now and get it checked out. Make sure it's healthy. Come to my tavern later to pick them up, alright?"

With that, Thyme claps his paws and ushers everyone to start setting up the carnival again while he and another couple Isomara, take the caged critter to the Taming Tavern.


With that, the Hallows Carnival is up and running. There are various games of skill and luck to play.

Bahrū are now available to purchase at Thyme's Taming Tavern. There is a limit of 1 purchase per user. Those with an Ally Adoption Slip can adopt the Bahru free of charge.

Posted 1 year and 4 months ago || Last edited 4 months and 5 days ago by NPC

The items inside the Hallows Gift Bundle will be changing on October 1st. We strongly recommend grabbing the item from Slay's Concessions and opening the bundle before October 1st as the items received when opening this bundle will change.

  • Everyone will be able to grab the new bundle on October 1st
  • You may miss out on goodies from the first version of the bundle if you wait to open the bundle once Oct. 1st rolls around
  • Opening bundles can be done through your inventory by selecting the item (Be sure to check the box when selecting items)

    Hallows Gift Bundle

Posted 4 months and 1 week ago || Last edited 4 months and 1 week ago by NPC