Character Design Guide

This Guide is a Work in Progress - Some information may be sparse in detail and missing example images.

MYO Character Design Guide

Got a MYO Slot and unsure how to design it then start here!
This guide is primarily for MYO slots. If you do not have one you can purchase one from Slay's Concession for seashells or from the MYO Shop for in-real-life currency.

For more general MYO Information read up here.

Isomara MYO Design Guide

Inherently symmetrical, split an Isomara down the middle and the markings, patterns, and colors will be the same on each side (we are lenient on this guideline if the markinga are more natural or complex like a house cat with a mackerel coat or a cheetah with various-sized and many spots). An Isomara can be unsymmetrical if they have the Unsymmetrical Special Trait.

Standard Isomara MYO

The original isomara breed that makes up 98% of the Isomara population.

When creating a Standard Isomara MYO, you can start their development as an egg, child, or adult. You are free to design all three age stages or just the one you pick, but you must pick one of the age stages to set your MYO Isomara at when submitting the final design for approval.

  1. If you decide to start your Isomara off as an egg you will need to complete the hatching prompt for them to hatch into an Isoling and participate in most activities.
  2. If you make an Isoling you need a reference of them with and without their full-body mane, so we can see all traits, colors, and markings of the design. Example Here
[Egg img]
Free to Use Egg Base
[Isoling img]
Free to Use Standard Isoling Base

Isolings, which are newborn and child isomara, begin walking on all fours. After a couple years some will begin attempting to walk on their hind legs. As isoling bodies are undeveloped this allows them to adjust their posture to walk upright. Roughly half of all isomara will remain walking on on their hind legs as anthro stanced.

Eggs and Isolings will not need a stance trait listed in their masterlist. When making an Adult Standard Isomara you must decide whether its stance will be anthro (bipedal) or feral (quadrupedal). The stance of an Isomara can be changed using a Stance Alter Agent item.

Isomara will often bicker whether they came from the sea or sky due to their affinity to have traits similar to one or the other.

  • Flyers are isomara more adept at soaring than swimming. The webbing between a flyer's claws will be less noticable and it is less common for a flyer to have any sort of traits with fins.
  • Swimmers are better equipped to handle the harsh currents of water. They have more webbing in between their claws and can paddle through the toughest waves with ease. With smaller wings they are also drastically faster. Swimmers can still fly, but not as well.

Drawing the webbing in between the claws is optional in all art and official designs.

Isomara have a plethora of traits and many can have very different looks. Keep in mind these trait guidelines:

  1. Must have at least 1 horn trait. A character can have multiple different horn traits. For example, if you choose to have the uncommon rhino horn you do not need to have the common versatile horns. As long as an Isomara has, at least, one of the horn choices it is fine.
  2. Must have ears, eyes, and a tail trait.
  3. Body traits are completely optional. Common traits are free to add.
  4. Consider what size wings your Isomara will have first as some traits such as the Back Leg Fins have a different rarity depending on whether your Isomara is a Flyer or Swimmer.

Special Traits are unique traits normally earned through events in one's life, but some special traits can only show up once hatched. Owning an egg or a MYO slot is the only way to guarantee having birth special traits. You can add birth special traits through the Random or Chosen Special Trait Items.

View Visual Trait Index

Isomara are known for their plush white manes, but there are other areas of their body that is always white?

The fluff inside of ears and underside various tails like the Puff, Tuft, Stub, and Lobster are always white. Also, the long tail is mostly white. Where the long tail meets the body can have color, but the majority of the long tail must be white. Other tails do not have mandatory whites.

Other areas that must remain white are horns, claws, teeth, and the feathers of isomara wings. Scleras of the eyes can be a another color other than white if the iso has the Rare Colored Sclera or Special Black Sclera traits. Mandatory Whites can be off-white, cream, light grey, as long as they are one single very light near-white color. The special trait Dyed Whites allows all mandatory whites to be any and many colors.

Deustrum Isomara MYO

Deustrum are a fairly new breed of Isomara. Seen as monstorous hybrids both flyer and swimmer mashed into a single fluffy dragon.

When creating a Deustrum Isomara MYO, you can start their development as an egg, child, or adult. You are free to design all three age stages or just the one you pick, but you must pick one of the age stages to set your MYO Isomara at when submitting the final design for approval.

  1. If you decide to start your Isomara off as an egg you will need to complete the hatching prompt for them to hatch into an Isoling and participate in most activities.
  2. If you make an Isoling you need a reference of them with and without their full-body mane, so we can see all traits, colors, and markings of the design. Example Here
[Egg img]
Free to Use Egg Base
[Isoling img]

Deustrum Isomara are flexible with their stance they can freely adjust to walking upright, on fours, or on all six legs. Some prefer to sport a centaur like look while others will hug their bodies with the extra arms to avoid tripping when walking on all fours as walking with six limbs can be difficult.
Sporting both a pair of large wings and small wings Deustrum are both flyers and swimmers. Wings come in two different design types which people may choose from.
Generation 1 (Gen1):
Generation 2 (Gen2):

Isomara are known for their plush white manes, but there are other areas of their body that is always white?

The fluff inside of ears and underside various tails like the Puff, Tuft, Stub, and Lobster are always white. Also, the long tail is mostly white. Where the long tail meets the body can have color, but the majority of the long tail must be white. Other tails do not have mandatory whites.

Other areas that must remain white are horns, claws, teeth, and the feathers of isomara wings. Scleras of the eyes can be a another color other than white if the iso has the Rare Colored Sclera or Special Black Sclera traits. Mandatory Whites can be off-white, cream, light grey, as long as they are one single very light near-white color. The special trait Dyed Whites allows all mandatory whites to be any and many colors.

Colors & Markings

Isomara are a colorful and vibrant species of creature. You may use any amount of colors and kinds of markings when designing a MYO. All colors of the rainbow can be used as well. The only limitation is Isomara cannot have overly dark and desaturated colors without the Special Black Primay Trait.

Cheek Fluff

Cheek fluff is a stylistic feature on an Isomara and completely optional, but makes isomara more identifiable. It is typical for isomara to sport three fluffy tufts on thier cheeks, but you may change the amount, whether they are more round and puffy, sharp and jagged, heavy and wilted, or other design choice. If the Isomara has cheek spiked horns cheek fluff can be added inbetweeb each spike or be omitted allthogether.


Hair including head hair, mustaches, and goatees are allowed to be added and changed whenever you feel like and can be any length and styled with simple clips and hair ties without the need for accessories.

Scars & Disabilities

You are completely allowed to add and scars, and remove parts of limbs at will without the need for any items as it is a customization and character development aspect. Impairments on an Isomara's body in the ARPG are something you may fully edit whenever you'd like, but you will need to make custom accessories if you'd like to have prosthetics.

Companion MYO Design Guide

Goom MYO

Visual Trait Index
Blepper MYO

Visual Trait Index
Memic MYO

Visual Trait Index
Memora MYO

Visual Trait Index

Additional Information:

Freely Allowed Alteration & Additions

Clothing & Accessories

Redesigning Your Characters

Useful Terms
  • MYOs are characters that were designed and created by players who are not staff or guest artists.
  • Customs are characters that were commissioned by staff or official guest artists to design and create. Sometimes, staff will open commissions where players can pay and provide details on the theme and traits they want and the staff will come up with a design
  • All other characters are adoptables which were made by staff or official guest artists and sold to whoever had an interest in the design.
Redesigning Your MYO

Everyone gets one (1) free makeover of each MYO, so if you happen to not like the MYO after you've designed and gotten it approved, you may give it a makeover (You may have someone else create/remake your MYO).

If you happen to own a MYO character you might not find the design/traits exactly to your liking. Every person is allowed to redesign their MYO. If you are unsure if you own a MYO Isomara you can find the information in the Change Log history on the character's master list page. If the Change Log is unclear on whether it was a MYO you can ask

Every MYO may be redesigned once per owner for free.
Ex. If SlayersStronghold happens to make a MYO and then does not like it they may redesign it thus using their one free redesign.
Ex2. SirPacings is given the MYO Isomara that SlayersStronghold owned. Even though SlayersStronghold redesigned it SirPacings still gets one free redesign of the MYO. If the MYO was then given back to SlayersStronghold after they would not be able to redesign it as they've already used their free redesign on that specific MYO.

If you happen to use your free redesign of your MYO you may purchase the ability to get another redesign of it. We only allow a MYO character to be redesigned twice per person (once for free and once with pay).

Redesigning Your Custom

Isomara created from Custom slots are now allowed one free redesign. Redesigning a custom Isomara can only be done once and only by the original owner of the custom Isomara (The person who the custom was made for).
If the custom Isomara has a new owner that new owner does not get a redesign as it was not their custom, however, if the Isomara did get a redesign the new owner may note the IsomaraIndexto revert it back to its original custom design.

MYO & Custom Redesign Guidelines:


  • Change all colors and markings (It can look like a totally new/different character)
  • For Isomara, switch the stance from anthro to feral or vice versa
  • For Isomara, change the shape and size of the common versatile horns
  • For Isomara, Change the wing size from large to small (flyer to swimmer) or vice versa
  • For Isomara or Memora, give, change, or remove head hair (You are allowed to design hairstyles that need a simple or small hairclip or hairties for a ponytail. Those won't count toward custom accessories)
  • Choose different traits of the same rarity.
      Ex. If your Isomara has rare perked ears you may change them to any other rare ear type such as the rare flop or fold ears
  • Downgrade traits and choose traits of lower rarity (WARNING: Downgrading trait rarity will not allow you to upgrade them in any future redesigns).
      Ex. If your Isomara has an Uncommon Scorpio Tail you may downgrade that trait to a Common Long, Puff or Whap tail
  • Remove special traits, Any character that has a special trait can be removed (WARNING: This is similar to downgrading normal traits you will not be able to reapply these in future redesigns, but you can earn them again or use special trait items!)

Not Allowed

  • Make it similar to any other official character (If it is too similar, an admin will have to ask you to change some things)
  • Upgrade or apply additional traits (except for special traits)
      Ex1. If your Isomara only has uncommon horns you may not make them rare horns

      Ex2. If your Isomara already has uncommon horns you cannot add on a set of common horns. You may downgrade the uncommon horns to a common horn trait, but not add on an additional horn trait. This also means you cannot apply any extra body traits such as leg fins (There is an item at Hasha's Hut that allows you to add common horns to your Isomara and also Mystery Candy has small chance to give your Isomara new traits when eaten).
    1. Only change the stance. Essentially if you are only changing things which can be done with items from Hasha's Hut won't be allowed. When redesigning a MYO/Custom you should be redesigning to change a least some part of its markings, colors, and/or traits.
    2. Change the age of Isoling to an Adult or an Adult into an Isoling.

When you finish your redesign you can submit it for approval by selecting the Update Design option on the sidebar of your character's masterlist page.
All official ID artwork must be colored! It can be traditional or digital, but if traditional please try to scan it or use a quality camera. You are allowed to ask someone else to draw/ color your design for you. If you are redesigning an Isoling make sure to provide both a maned version and a reference without its full mane.

Purchasing a second redesign:

Everyone owner gets one free redesign of a MYO Isomara, but if you already used your one free redesign of the MYO Isomara then you may purchase the ability to redesign it again. The cost is $1.50 or 300 Seashells

Things to keep in mind:
1. The art you provide when submitting your redesign is the art that is going to be used on the masterlist
2. If you transfer ownership of a MYO Isomara the new owner has full right to redesign it however they see fit
3. While the character and current design is owned by the current owner all past and outdated designs are owned by the original designer

Design F.A.Q.

Q. How do I use the random/chosen special trait or custom wardrobe items?

A. During the MYO approval request attach these items under the "Add-Ons" tab.
See the "Turning your MYO Slot into a Character" section of MYO Information for context.

Q. I have a question about a trait design. Can some help me?

A. You can ask questions at the Support Center or in the official Discord

Q. If a character has had a redesign can I use the old design?

A. Once a character has had a redesign only the original creator of the design may use the old design. You may take inspiration and redesign the character similar to their old design, but it cannot be identical.

If you happen to transfer ownership of a MYO to someone else and they redesign it you are still allowed to get another MYO slot and make a similar to your original design, however, if their redesign looks too similar to your new MYO you will need to alter it.