Prompt Pavilion

When in the world did this get here? You were looking around for Slayer at their hut, and to your surprise, nearby was a newly built pavilion. "Lookin' for me?" Slayer asks, turning the corner. "I had to step out for a bit; I see you noticed the new pavilion," they gestured. "Pacings and our friends helped build an outdoor structure for me to work in." Her tail flicks back and forth with eagerness. "I have a lot of things to do, and I was using this standing board to organize the jobs, but I could get community members like yourself to help me with some of these requests.

The Prompt Pavilion holds a plethora of prompts, tasks, and quests. They can range from an NPC fetch quest to fighting off encroaching Memics to a fun challenge of drawing your character doing something silly. Anyone can do these and can do them as many times as they like (unless otherwise stated).
If you do not own an Isomara or any companions, you may use any community-owned NPCs and their companions.
Head to Darwin's Exchange Center to trade in Pearls and Black Pearls for items!

Featured Prompt

Bonus Reward: x1 Black Pearl
The bonus reward can be earned once per player per month

You've been hired for night watch duty, time for your shift! Draw/Write about your Isomara during their night shift, what do they see, and experience, is everything calm, or are there strange things afoot?


  • Art must be colored or be shaded
  • Literature must have at least 300+ words

Pacings is Currently looking for

You need to be logged in to complete a delivery quest

Legacy Prompts

The original 12 prompts from the DeviantArt version of the ARPG

Island Exploration

Go on the search for matierials and edible goods by exploring the many biomes on the island


Trek past the island boundaries and discover new islands, items, and creatures

Companion Quests [WIP] 

The gooms, memora, and other island companions have their own daily lives away from their Isomara companions. Send them off on various jobs and utilize their skills.

Class Assignments [WIP] 

Earn additional class experience by fullfilling a class master's various tasks.

Isoling Club Quests [WIP]

The Isolings who play in the large sandcastle off a ways tend to leave poorly scribbled quests on the board for other Isolings in their game to come by and participate in.


Submit a Queen's Cache or Tide Pool's prompt for additional rolls on top of the standard stamina daily rolls.

Limited Time Prompts

These prompts are only available for a small time frame and usually are a part of an event or promotion.

Lifetime Beats

Lifetime Beats are common milestones and stages nearly all Isomara go through. These storylines assist in character development.

Egg Hatching [WIP]  

Isoling Grow-Up  

Educational Intrigue  

Courtship Traditions  

Monthly Mini Prompts