Egg Nurturing

Category: Egg Hatching


Eggs need to complete this prompt to be eligible to hatch. Once this prompt is approved the egg will receive its rolled traits.

Find all information on egg hatching on the Hatching an Isomara Egg page.


  • Artwork:
    • Character Visibility - Halfy Body or more (25%+)
    • Characters and Eggs must be colored
  • Literature:
    • At least 250 words in length
  • Physical Crafts:
    • Egg must in color
    • Egg needs to be in a crafted nest or depicted it is being well cared for
    • Having an adult isomara present is optional

Item for Art/Lit Substitute

  • An Incubation Energizer can be used instead of creating a piece of artwork, literature, or craft. Apply the item in the Add-ons section when submitting the prompt.

Item Add-Ons
You can add these items to your egg to add additional special traits when they are rolled. Apply the item(s) in the Add-ons section when submitting the prompt.


Currency & Item Rewards
No rewards.
Stat & Class Rewards
No character rewards.