

The shores along the coast are littered with seashells, the main currency of the Isomara species, along with other useful crafting materials and sometimes washed-up goodies from the ocean. Be wary, as sometimes seagulls will be irritated by your presence.

Inhabitants: Isomara, Gooms, Seagulls, Tormuga, Crabs, Cloud Hoppers

Notable Locations: Slay's Concessions / Tide Pool's


Although vast and seemingly desolate, the oceans are brimming with nutritious creatures and valuable materials. It's a good thing Isomara are semi-aquatic creatures and can easily maneuver within the water. Careful, though; the further out to sea, the more dangerous it is.

Inhabitants: Isomara, Sharks, Seagulls, Skrill, Crabs, Cloud Hoppers

Notable Locations: None At This Time


Scattered woods and forests cover more land than any other biome on the island. The forest hides countless lively critters, materials, and bountiful acres of fruits and vegetables. The forest is a favored biome to explore for both novice and master explorers.

Inhabitants: Isomara, Humbles, Memoras, Memics, Boars, Rabbits

Notable Locations: Pacings' Shop / Carmen's Fabrication Station / The Daycare

Jungle / Marsh

Dense jungle and marshy terrain take up a small portion of the island, but the thick coverage can easily render any Isomara lost if not keen in directions. The tall trees block most natural light, and predators often lurk in the shadows guarding their nests.

Inhabitants: Isomara, Humbles, Memoras, Memics, Bleppers, Boars, Bitter Bytes

Notable Locations: Hasha's Hut / Thyme's Taming Tavern


Some say, why bother exploring in such a hazardous and rocky terrain? Well, those who do not know there are valuable goods in those caverns and tunnels. Only a few practical goods can be found on and in the mountains, but if you are hunting for something pretty or unique, you're in the correct biome.

Inhabitants: Memoras, Memics, Bats

Notable Locations: Charlotte's Iron Emporium / Queen's Cache


Not all sand and sun as most think. The desert is blooming with unique flora used in medicinal treatments. There are even slight chances to stumble upon a rare oasis with sparkling fresh water, but be sure to bring your own just in case your luck runs sour.

Inhabitants: Tortoises, Memoras, Boars

Notable Locations: Darwin's Exchange Center / Darwin's Donations

Fross (Snow)

Even with fluffy manes, many Isomara catch frostbite trekking out to the crisp snow-filled areas. Rare flora and edible fungi can survive in this harsh climate, and snow is also a great way to gather fresh water.

Inhabitants: Isomara, Tormuga, Rabbits

Notable Locations: None At This Time

Coral Reef

Colorful schools of fish and bouquets of coral can be found mingling together. The reefs are often very safe places for young Isomara to find nutritious food quickly and in large quantities.

Inhabitants: Sharks, Skrill, Crabs

Notable Locations: None At This Time

Goom Island (Infected)

Originating from a small island off the coast this dense forest biome has been altered to suitably home Gooms and ward off predators. The sand and vegetation has all taken to an unnatural light teal color hue due to the goo from the native Goom species. The water around the area is poisonous and prolonged exposure could sicken any creature not immune. Gooms call this small island home and work to keep their ecosystem stable. Isomara are unable to live in Goom Infected biomes. Any trespassers will be attacked by Gooms relentlessly.

Inhabitants: Gooms, Tormuga, Crabs

Notable Locations: None At This Time

Pelemoku (Volcanic)

The minor island, Pelemoku, emerged recently from the sea after an underwater volcanic eruption. After the heat and magma cooled, new and unique flora and fauna quickly sprouted across Pelemoku. Explorations on Pelemoku are kept short as the small island volcano is still very active, with rumbling heard even at the base.

Inhabitants: Bleppers, Seagulls, Humbles, Crabs

Notable Locations: None At This Time