I-0068: Carmen

Owner: NPC
4′8″ (142 cm)

No current ailments.

50 / 100

0 unspent pts
Fight - 52
Flight - 56

There are no additional notes given for this image.

Passionate and proud. Carmen always speaks her mind with a bold loud tone. She does not know the meaning of the word whisper. However, she can silence herself around sleepy Isolings. Carmen has a heart of gold and all she wants in life is to make sure all Isolings get to grow up in a safe and healthy environment.

Carmen is the head caretaker at The Daycare.
She takes in abandoned Isolings and unhatched eggs.
As with any other NPC, you may draw Carmen if you do not have an Isomara yet.


{Rules For Using Carmen}

Whether you own an Isomara or not you may...
 - Use Carmen in specific events/prompts that allow her
 - Draw Carmen to earn you Seashells
 - Draw her to help you get acquainted with Isomara anatomy 
 - Draw her for fun
- She may also be used for explorations

- July 22nd, 2016 after being away from the daycare for a few days to visit an old friend she found out about the lost egg. Frio got an earful from her. 
- November 1st, 2016 A mysterious egg was given to Carmen and Frio to look after. Later this egg hatched into D001 - Deus.
- On April 23rd, 2017 a rather large party of seven Isomara went out to explore the caverns up in the mountains hoping to find a lost egg. Carmen was quite startled to find themselves a part of a minor rock slide during the trip. None of the Isomara were hurt thankfully.

I-0068: Carmen will not gather care drops unless an Isomara is companioned.

Ancestry unknown.

No companions.
No critters.

No equipped gear.
No worn accessories.

 Isomara of the Month
 Scurvy Slayer
 Careful Coexistance
 Egg Guardian
 Making Friends
 Guilty Glutton