
Stuffed Toy - Bahrū

A comforting friend for any isomara. Carmen will gladly teach others how to make this particular stuffed toy.

Item Tier: 3

  • -5% chance of getting frostbite (All Adults and Isolings)
  • -10% chance of encountering imaginary enemies (ICH Isolings Only)
  • +5 to fight and flight encounters (ICH Isolings Only)
  • +1 stat gain to trainings (All Isolings)


Bait that can draw the attention of certain island inhabitants. Equip to your character to enable its effects while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 2

  • +15% chance of encountering Memora enemies during an exploration
  • +5% chance of encountering Memora enemies during a training
  • Durability - 10% chance to no longer work after a Memora encounter

Purchase At:

Category: Equipment

Rebel Pebble

Your companion pebble is always there when you need it and always ready to be thrown at a moment's notice.
Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 1

  • +1 to fight encounters (All Adults and Isolings)
  • +3 to flight encounters (ICH Isolings Only)
  • Durability - 5% chance to lose after any enemy encounter

Purchase At:

Category: Equipment

Kicker Toy - Fish

A soft, aromatic plush. It doubles both as a toy and bait for some companions.. Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 3

  • +5 Modifier to Fight and Flight rolls in Memora Encounters
  • Durability - 10% chance to break during a Memora Encounter

Purchase At:

Category: Equipment


"When I first was commissioned this, I thought it was just an odd-looking farm tool, but now that I know what it can be used for, well, color me impressed!" - Charlotte

Item Tier: 2

  • Grants Sheared Trait - Edits the mane coverage on an Isomara (can be used to trim/change/remove parts of an Isomara's mane)
  • +1 to fight while equipped

Category: Equipment

Ultimate Stick

Works well as a toothpick!
Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 0

  • +2 to fight encounters
  • +1 stat gain upon successful fight and flight encounters

Purchase At:

Category: Equipment


Who needs more hands when you have a trusty sack... well until it tears.
Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 2

  • Bring more items back from explorations (Does not work in Ocean or Coral Reef biomes)
  • Durability - 5% chance to break during an exploration

Category: Equipment


Keeps your noggin' safe and protected. Included in art/stories to get the use bonuses.

Item Tier: 1

  • +2 to flight encounters
  • -10% chance to get sunburns

Purchase At:

Category: Equipment

Stuffed Toy - Isomara

The original made was named Sir Longbottom by Carmen. These soft toys seem to give Isolings a lot of courage. Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 3

  • -5% chance of getting frostbite (All Adults and Isolings)
  • -10% chance of encountering imaginary enemies (ICH Isolings Only)
  • +5 to fight and flight encounters (ICH Isolings Only)
  • +1 stat gain to trainings (All Isolings)

Category: Equipment

Tilted Twig

Your twig companion is the best, way better than a rock. It can scare away baddies with a horrifying cracking sound.

Item Tier: 0

  • +1 to flight encounters (All Adults and Isolings)
  • +3 to flight encounters (ICH Isolings Only)
  • Durability - 25% chance to lose after any enemy encounter

Purchase At:

Category: Equipment

Clay Jar

Opaque unlike glass, don't go snooping in other people's jars. Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 1

  • Allows Isomara to always find Sand, Goo, Ectoplasm, Snow, and Ice while exploring biomes that have those items.
  • Isomara have a 50% chance to find and collect Venom while exploring the biomes that have memora
  • Durability - 10% chance to break during an exploration

Category: Equipment

Glass Jar

Look it is so shiny and clear, but also fragile. Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 1

  • Allows Isomara to always find Sand, Goo, Ectoplasm, Snow, and Ice while exploring biomes that have those items.
  • Isomara have a 50% chance to find and collect Venom while exploring the biomes that have memora
  • Durability - 15% chance to break during an exploration

Category: Equipment

Obsidian Claws

Claw covers for an Isomara. These are incredibly sharp and have uses from digging, tilling, and fighting. Obsidian claws have become popular among fighter class isomara.

Item Tier: 2

  • +10 Fight encounters
  • Durability - 3% chance to break during an encounter

Category: Equipment

Metal Fish Trap

A trap for sea and river swimming critters. fish traps made up of metals tend to be stronger and more durable. Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 2

  • Allows Isomara to find Salmon, Tilapia, and Tuna while exploring the ocean biome.
  • 3% chance to break during an exploration

Category: Fishing Equipment

Wooden Fish Trap

A trap for sea and river swimming critters. fish traps made up of metals tend to be stronger and more durable. Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 2

  • Allows Isomara to find Salmon, Tilapia, and Tuna while exploring the ocean biome.
  • 7% chance to break during an exploration

Category: Fishing Equipment

Wooden Crab Cage

A trap for seafloor dwelling critters. Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 3

  • Allows Isomara to find more Kelp, Scallop, Clam, Lobster, and Crab while exploring the ocean and coral reef biomes
  •  7% chance to break during an exploration

Category: Fishing Equipment

Metal Crab Cage

A trap for seafloor dwelling critters. Crab cages made up of metals tend to be stronger and more durable. Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 3

  • Allows Isomara to find more Kelp, Scallop, Clam, Lobster, and Crab while exploring the ocean and coral reef biomes
  •  3% chance to break during an exploration

Category: Fishing Equipment

Fishing Net

Fish too fast and elusive for ya? Then you may need to make one of these.
Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 2

  • Use while exploring in the coral reef or ocean to find more Kelp, Skrill, Driftwood, Squid, Salmon, Tilapia, and Tuna
    • (This grants Isomara the ability to find some items they may normally not!)
  • +1 to fight encounters; +15 to flight encounters
  • Durability
    • 5% chance to break during an exploration
    • 20% chance to break during a fight encounter
    • 100% chance of being lost during a flight encounter

Category: Fishing Equipment

Bone Shovel

Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 3

  • Find more items while exploring any biome
  • Durability - 10% chance to break during an exploration

Category: Paw Tool

Wood Shovel

Equip to your character and include in art/stories to get bonuses while doing certain activities.

Item Tier: 3

  • Find more items while exploring any biome
  • Durability - 10% chance to break during an exploration

Category: Paw Tool

26 results found.