
N/A Anthro

Species: Isomara
Category: Stance

N/A Feral

Species: Isomara
Category: Stance

N/A Flexible (Anthro & Feral)

Species: Isomara
Category: Stance

Deustrum are naturally more flexible and able to change their stance at whim and are not limited during their growth into adults like the Standard Isomara breed.


Common Versatile

Species: Isomara
Category: Horns

These are placed directly on top of the head of an Isomara. Versatile horns can come in any shape or size. These are only a few examples of how creative you can get:


Uncommon Brow

Species: Isomara
Category: Horns

Smaller horns are placed near the eyebrows. They come in a set and are usually ovalish in shape; they can be small and nubby or sharp. 


Uncommon Bud

Species: Isomara
Category: Horns

Small nubby or sharp horns placed above the nostrils.


Uncommon Rhino

Species: Isomara
Category: Horns

The rhino horn is a single horn in the center of the muzzle, it can be very small or slightly bigger and altered in shape and curve.


Uncommon Uni

Species: Isomara
Category: Horns

Placed in the center of the forehead, it can be smaller or larger and altered in shape and curve. This Horn can be altered to look like a beetle's horn.


Rare Spiked

Species: Isomara
Category: Horns

Spiked horns can replace the fluffy cheeks or be added in between the fluff. An Isomara can have between 1-3 of these horns on its cheeks/jawline.

Finned Spiked

Rare Finned Spiked

Species: Isomara
Category: Horns

A variant of the spiked cheek horns which have webbing connecting between and sometimes the face. There can be 1-3 spikes; if only one spike, there needs to be a webbing connection to the face.


Special Dual

Species: Isomara
Category: Horns

Common Average

Species: Isomara
Category: Ears

With normal-sized fluffy ears, Isomara have full movement of ears similar to canines, and they often move depending on the Isomara's emotion.



Uncommon Bat

Species: Isomara
Category: Ears

One of the fewer furrier types of ears. They still have a small tuft of fur on the inside. Bat ears can range in size.


Uncommon Ribbon

Species: Isomara
Category: Ears

Ribbon ears are anywhere from twice to four times longer than the common average ear. They always end with a small wispy keratin whisker and are less furry than standard ears.


Rare Fold

Species: Isomara
Category: Ears

Small ears that are folded over the scalp. Isomara with fold ears often trim the inner fur tufts to avoid hearing impairments.


Rare Flop

Species: Isomara
Category: Ears

A hybrid between the fold and perked ears. Flop ears have full movement, but the tips lack any nerves and muscles for movement. The ends tend to flop around and cannot stand up.


Rare Perked

Species: Isomara
Category: Ears

Large rabbit-like ears, and velvety soft to the touch. Isomara can freely move them up, down, and all around. Tieing them up and out of the way is quite common and fashionable.


Special Feathered

Species: Isomara
Category: Ears

Common Normal

Species: Isomara
Category: Eyes

Iris can be any single color. Pupils can be any single color including black. Iris and Pupil must be different colors.


Uncommon Pupilless

Species: Isomara
Category: Eyes

Pupils are lacking and the iris can be any one single color.

78 results found.