
Uncommon Nib

Species: Goom
Category: Antenna

Uncommon Curled

Species: Goom
Category: Antenna

Uncommon Knotched

Species: Goom
Category: Antenna

Uncommon Triple-hued

Species: Goom
Category: Goo

Three solid colors that can take many designs and patterns.

Uncommon Triple-tone Gradient

Species: Goom
Category: Goo

Goo color schemes that use up to three colors with varying shades and tints to create a gradient.

Uncommon Gradient Hue Combo

Species: Goom
Category: Goo

Goo combination of monochromatic or two-tone gradients and single or double hues.

Uncommon Simple/Basic

Species: Goom
Category: Membrane Shape

Basic shapes such as squares, triangles, stars, and diamonds. Typically are rounded and lack sharp corners

Uncommon Copious

Species: Goom
Category: Membrane Amount

7-11; The more sacks on a Goom typically mean the smaller they are.

8 results found.