Common Monochromatic Gradient
Goo color schemes that use a single color with varying shades and tints to create a simple gradient.
Common Two-tone Gradient
Goo color schemes that use up to two colors with varying shades and tints to create a gradient.
Rare Multi-tone Gradient
Goo color schemes that contain four or more varying colors, shades, and tints in a gradient fashion.
Uncommon Triple-hued
Three solid colors that can take many designs and patterns.
Rare Multi-hued
Goo patterns that contain four or more different solid colors
Uncommon Triple-tone Gradient
Goo color schemes that use up to three colors with varying shades and tints to create a gradient.
Rare Bioluminescent
Goo that glows in the dark. The glow is brighter when the Goom is well-fed and has had plenty of sunlight the previous day.
Rare Full of It
Goom who habitually consume things they shouldn't tend to fuse their way into the goo membranes. These goo contaminants range from rocks to confetti, mystery candy, and other small items.
Uncommon Gradient Hue Combo
Goo combination of monochromatic or two-tone gradients and single or double hues.