
Common Swirl

Category: Antenna

Uncommon Nib

Category: Antenna

Uncommon Curled

Category: Antenna

Rare Bulb

Category: Antenna

Rare Plumose

Category: Antenna

Rare Kelp

Category: Antenna

Special Yagi-Uda

Category: Antenna

Gooms with two or more antenna sets. 

Uncommon Simple/Basic

Category: Membrane Shape

Basic shapes such as squares, triangles, stars, and diamonds. Typically are rounded and lack sharp corners

Rare Complex/Organic

Category: Membrane Shape

Complex symbols, asterisks. crescent moons and any original shape that does not have a name falls under rare.

Common Moderate

Category: Membrane Amount

3-6; The most common amount is five sacks with one on each cheek then three additional sacks across the body and tail.

Uncommon Copious

Category: Membrane Amount

7-11; The more sacks on a Goom typically mean the smaller they are.

Rare Overwhelming

Category: Membrane Amount

12-15; The most membrane sacks ever counted on a Goom was fifteen.

Rare Meager

Category: Membrane Amount

1-2; Gooms with fewer sacks often have issues with producing more goo than they can store and thus are seen drooling and spewing out goo more frequently

Common Single-hued

Category: Goo

Goo that is a single solid color.

Common Monochromatic Gradient

Category: Goo

Goo color schemes that use a single color with varying shades and tints to create a simple gradient.

Common Two-tone Gradient

Category: Goo

Goo color schemes that use up to two colors with varying shades and tints to create a gradient.

Rare Multi-tone Gradient

Category: Goo

Goo color schemes that contain four or more varying colors, shades, and tints in a gradient fashion.

Common Two-hued

Category: Goo

Goo that is two solid colors. The colors can make shapes and designs.

146 results found.