Special Tail Spikes
Species: Isomara
Category: Special
This trait is only available for the Long, Whap, Prawn, Scorpio, Lobster, Mako, and Fin Tails
N/A Both (Flyer & Swimmer)
Species: Isomara
Category: Wings
Art by SlayersStronghold
Deustrum Isomara have both a pair of large wings and a small set lower on the body. These wings can be fully feathered or have partial bat/dragon-like webbing in many styles and designs not just the ones shown below.
N/A Cherub (Isoling)
Species: Isomara
Category: Wings
Art by SlayersStronghold
Standard Isolings have underdeveloped wings and it is hard to tell whether they will have larger or smaller wings until they are grown adults
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