Prompt Categories


Legacy prompts are the twelve prompts originally from the DeviantArt version of the ARPG. These prompts came in six categories: Tale, Delivery, Gather, Collection, Escort, and Survey.


Tale - Tales are story-centric prompts. They often engage players to tell their stories and are loose on what needs to be involved. Players are encouraged to include additional characters or NPCs and show how they act towards each other and the world around them.

Delivery - Delivery prompts involve the player retrieving specific items and provide to the prompt giver.

Gather - Similar to Delivery prompts; Gather prompts will have characters go on the search or hunt for various items. Not all gather prompts will require the player to turn in the items they are asked to gather.

Collection - Your gathering skills are put to the test by collecting a set of specific items of varying degrees of rarity.

Escort - Escorts range from locating, protecting, traveling, and in general, ensuring the safety of another character or NPC for a short period of time.

Survey - Survey prompts will often have characters assisting other NPCs and characters personally.

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