Explore - Desert

Category: Exploration

Desert Exploration Activity


A barren, dry portion of the island with scarce, but unique plant life.


Currency & Item Rewards
Reward Amount
Seashells Amount Exploration Roll [Beach, Coral Reef, Desert & Pelemoku] 1
Sand Chance + Amount Exploration Roll [Beach, Ocean, Desert, Coral Reef, & Goom] 1
Feathers Chance Exploration Roll [Beach, Desert, & Jungle] 1
Cactus Pear Chance Exploration Roll [Desert] 1
Tumbleweeds Chance Exploration Roll [Desert] 1
Aloe Vera Chance + Amount Exploration Roll [Desert] 1
Agave Chance + Amount Exploration Roll [Desert] 1
Bone Chance + Amount Exploration Roll [Forest, Jungle, & Desert] 1
Shell Chance + Amount Exploration Roll [Desert] 1
Ailments & Inflictions [Desert] 1

Stat & Class Rewards
No character rewards.