Banquette of Uncertainty
Stumbling and waddling about round the beach's sand, and orange and white isomara with purple webbing and small double pointed stubs as horns looked as if she was searching for something-
more so, digging something up. There was a talk about a great banquette whispered across from iso to iso, and village to village; and with that a lot of food being involved; the orange isomara in question felt a twinge in her nerves...One in wanting to make a name for herself in contributing in some way.
Sherbyte digging in the sand, flapped her small swimmer wings in anticipation as she found the safe-keep she was looking for, or rather waiting for.
"Ahh! It's finally done!" Her tail wiggled a bit upon pulling out her handmade prize-
It was some kind of food that was carefully wrapped up in kelp, the smell however; had a dead give away to what it was.
"No one can resist the taste of orange squeezed glazed, and salt curated Gull Drummies. What makes things better is that the wrapping is also edible!"
A thought then intrude within her thoughts before she started filling up the now empty, sandy hole on the ground with her feet; a construed expression slowly tensed up on her face. '...I guess if they wanted to eat it anyway...if they don't mind having a salty side dish.'
Quickly shaking her head in order to shake those negative doubts away, she didn't want those to stop her from at least trying.
It was the thought that count after all. It was in fact a beach village tradition to bring in a curated salted dish, but adding on a bit of an orange flavor to the mix to combat the overly salty after taste! Upon approaching the village, she can feel herself tense up a little; as if there were eyes all on her. The dish in question was still neatly wrapped up in the kelp; seeing all kinds of isomara, be it chatting, minding their own business, or just contributing their share to the banquette. Her little hopping gait eventually slowed into unsure slow waddling as she inched closer to the banquette table, soon enough, she was greeted by a village elder; smiling from ear to ear upon seeing her contribution in attending the banquette. "Well would you look at that, is that cured Gull Drummies that I smell?"
A slight laugh escapes from Sherbyte's throat, correcting her nervous tone into a more confident uplifting tone; her ears perking up a bit more in taking a more assured stance.
"Th-that's right! I also added in a bit of a zest kind of flavoring to the mix-" The orange and white isomara's ears then slowly flattened down along side slightly gritting her teeth, subtle wrinkles to her snout started to form as the doubt to her tone started to return again. "...To you know...balance out the saltiness...I know not everyone is a fan of over-powering salty flavors..."
The village elder in turn had a soft hearty laugh in return, finding Sherbyte's explanation rather endearing; it was as if in contrast of an isoling trying to explain why their answer would be correct. "You know young one, there is a saying 'agree to disagree'. Not everyone is going to like the same things that you, or another iso would; or would like or dislike something at the same degree." Carefully taking the orange and white isomara's dish from her paws, the village elder had extended their neck around before finding the perfect spot to place the cured, orange zest Gull Drummie. "Some may love it, some may not...But if you let your uncertainty halt you, you may never know. Events like these, help isomara, young and or old, discover things; be it about themselves, or perhaps build new connections and bring isomara together." Turning back towards Sherbyte, the soft gentle smile returns on the elder's face. "Life can be funny that way sometimes."
Sherbyte blinked a couple of times as she tried to process what the iso elder had just said; it was somewhat of a mouthful, but not too much where it was gibberish, or something that came from a book 'word by word' kind of explanation. Softly scratching at the facial furs on the sides of her face, Sherbyte had but a faint smile that cracked from her mouth.
"...Yeah, I guess it can sometimes."
Standing idly beside with the elder in order to take in the site of the banquette table and all the assortment of food from different isomara; be it from the same village, or from a different corner of the island, one thing is for certain; gatherings like this were a sure-fire way in bringing folks together regardless of where they come from.
Sherbyte in her first ever banquette (Perhaps as a full-grown Iso); for the Village Banquette Event Prompt!
This orange and white iso isn't so much for such big events, as they can sometimes be overwhelming for her sometimes, but as one of the first big steps in becoming the independant, confident adventurer she wants to be, she would have to explore more into the cultural aspect of a banquette; sharing a food she observed being made during her isoling years!
Submitted By SilverQuail
Submitted: 2 months and 4 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months and 3 weeks ago