This prompt has ended.

Trick or Treat

Category: Limited Time
Ends: 31 October 2024, 23:59:59 MST (4 months ago)


 Draw your characters trick or treating / gathering mochi from other characters.


  • Art must be full body (at least 75% of the character showing)
  • Art must be colored or shaded
  • Literature needs to be at least 400 words in length
  • At least one character in the image needs to be dressed up in a costume (for literature include a description of what they are wearing)
    • Each character dressed up in costume rewards another 10 mochi
  • You may use any character you own, most NPCs, or Deus
    • NPCs that cannot be used in any Hallows Extravaganza Prompt are Thyme, Aycorn, and Carmen
    • You may include other player characters for more rewards as long as the character permissions permit being included in gift art/writing


Currency & Item Rewards
Reward Amount
Mochi 10
DaifukuRNG 1

Stat & Class Rewards
No character rewards.