Village Banquet Event Prompt

This event has ended and the prompt submission will be approved in the following days!

General Event Guidelines & Information:

  • This event is being hosted only on the official Isomara Island site
    • There is a version of this event on Toyhouse and DeviantArt where those who participate have a chance to earn an invite key and other rewards for the site (for more info see below)
  •  You may use any isomara you own, any NPC, or Community Isomara (such as Deus) for the Village Banquet Prompt. The only NPC that cannot be used for the bonus activity is Slayer.
    • You may include other player characters in the Village Banquet Prompt submissions as long as the character permissions permit being included in gift art/writing

Event Prompt Details

As the cold sets in and the final harvests have wrapped up across the island many villages hold a final large feast to celebrate the year and the other villagers in their lives. The banquet can only be a success with your help.

What do you choose to make or bring to your village's banquet? You may bring any edible food such as fruits, vegetables, fish, etc. or do you go all out and try making something?

View the Village Banquet Prompt Here for more details, submission requirements, and the bonus activity
This is a limited-time prompt that ends at 11:59 PM on December 9th, the bonus activity closes at 11:59 PM on November 30th

Prompt Rewards

  • The Catered Meal Achievement will be awarded to all isomara included in this prompt submission as well as all isomara who enter into the bonus activity below (achievements can only be earned once per isomara)
  • Optional: Include your Isomara's companions in the prompt submission to receive x1 care bundle per companion (the care bundle will be based on which companions are entered Ex. Memora companions included will reward you a Memora Care Bundle)
  • All players who participate in this prompt will also receive x1 of each food item that is made official. If an Isomara brings in a new dish or food, we may make it an official item! We would love to see unique real-life family recipes or meals make it into these submissions!

Village Banquet Event on ToyHouse & DeviantArt

We are hosting a slightly different version of this event for those who do not have an account on the Isomara Island site. Those who participate will earn a raffle entry with a chance to earn an invitation key to the website, 200ss, and a common standard Isomara MYO Slot! There will be two winners on each site.

Please feel free to share to get the word out! These giveaways end when it's no longer December 1st anywhere in the world!

Toyhouse Event Giveaway [ENDED]

DeviantArt Event Giveaway [ENDED]

Posted 2 months and 1 week ago || Last edited 1 month and 3 weeks ago by NPC


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