Cloud hoppers and Rainbows

In Events ・ By Violetwind
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Josephine had returned to the beach once again. The rainbows that danced across the sky, caused by the sun hitting the numerous droplets of water suspended in the air after the downpour of rain, were ever so beautiful. She had to come down and see it again. It was hard not to stare in awe. The waves roared as they crashed over themselves before dissipating into the shore, adding to the peaceful setting. She closed her eyes, breathing in the salty sea smell, tinged with the scent of seaweed that had washed up and started to rot on the beach. Familiar smells that eased any worries that were trying to interrupt her thoughts. 

She settled further into her calming place only for something out of place to interrupt her peace. Blinking open her eyes, the young adult tilted her head towards the noise. A flock of cloud hoppers floated across the sky. The fluffy cloud-like creatures dipped and weaved through the air in playful circles. More and more culminated across the horizon. Josephine had never seen so many. It wasn’t long before there was less sky than cloud hoppers. Lying on her back, she watched them all, simply enjoying the spectacle. 

Then one seemed to draw closer. Sitting up, she kept her gaze on the fluffy creature. Her ears perked as she saw the white cloudiness broken up by a rainbow iridescence on its head, its eyes, inside its ears, under its belly and all over its tail. The shimmer was gorgeous and seemed to swirl, whether from the sunlight or something, she didn’t know. 

It flew closer, letting out a small chirp. 

“Hello there,” Josephine greeted softly, not wanting to scare it. 

It slowly danced through the air around her head, her neck swivelling to keep it in sight. She couldn’t keep the wide grin off her face as the iridescent cloud hopper circled her. 

“You're very pretty,” she said, flicking her head back around since she couldn’t turn it 360 degrees on a swivel. “I’m sorry, I don’t have any food for you.” She didn't actually know what they ate anyway. Nor how they ate, since they didn’t appear to have visible mouths. 

It chirped in reply and stopped in front of her nose. 

She watched, barely breathing in case she frightened it off. It was so cute and incredibly beautiful, she didn’t want it to run back to the rest of the cloud hoppers just yet. It slowly came closer until it quickly booped her nose with a paw and squeaked, flying off. 

Her jaw dropped in shock. Did it seriously just boop her nose? Before she could even think about it, she was trotting after the cloud hopper. 

“You cheeky little thing.” 

It swooped close to her head, and she ducked instinctively. 


It chittered in almost laughter. 

“Alright, if that’s the game you want to play.” She smirked and raced after the cloud hopper. Spreading her wings she leapt into the air. Her small wings weren’t very good for flying, but she could do it. And right now she was determined not to let this cheeky little cloud hopper, pretty as they might be, to get the better of her. She gently booped the cloud hopper’s back with her claw. “You’re it.” 

She laughed and swooped away from the small critter. It followed her with a little squeak. They continued to play tag through the air until Josephine’s wings were tired and she collapsed back to the beach. The sun started to go down, setting the sky alight in an orange glow. She lay on the sand, her cloud hopper friend lying on her chest, head nestled in her neck fluff. 

“That was fun,” she muttered before succumbing to a yawn. “I should probably get home.” 

The iridescent cloud hopper gave a small noise of its own, burying its head further into her fluff. 

“Yeah, I know I’m a good pillow, but I really do have to go.” 

When it didn’t move, she sighed, fighting back another yawn. “Alright, just another few minutes…” 

If she happened to fall asleep on the sand with the cloud hopper on her chest, who was to say. She sure wasn’t telling.

Cloud hoppers and Rainbows
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In Events ・ By Violetwind

Josephine watches the rainbows and comes across a friendly cloud hopper

Submitted By Violetwind
Submitted: 7 months and 4 days agoLast Updated: 7 months and 5 days ago

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[Cloud hoppers and Rainbows by Violetwind (Literature)](


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