Ribbon meets Koji!

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Ribbon meets Koji!

Ribbon meets Koji!
1 ・ 1
In General Literature ・ By PowerClap

Ribbon paces around the yard of the Daycare, impatient and eager to break into a sprint - but Carmen had a watchful eye on the energetic isomara. Ribbon looks at the ramshackle front gate, feeling his time draw close - he would soon be able to learn how the door unlocks. Carmen blinks, and Ribbon bolted for the gate.

"Ribbon." Carmen says calmly, but sternly and loudly enough that Ribbon slides to a stop, tripping on a stick and landing square on his snout. Before he could even recover, Carmen was upon him.
"Ehe. Hello Carmen." he quickly stands up and points at the stick, "Did you see that?! That was scary! The stick it-it almost took me out! I was going for a little run and suddenly BAM!" he hops around, gallops in place, then rolls onto his back while explaining his faux story to her. Of course, she knew Ribbon's antics, and wouldn't have it.
"Ribbon, you know you can't go out of the Daycare yet. If you are this excited to move about, we're having company from an old friend of mine - she's bringing over her little ones. Then, you'll be able to play." Carmen digs into a nearby wooden shelf, digging out an old leather ball, tossing it to Ribbon.
"For now, that will be your friend. I've got some thing to handle, so please stay in the fenceline, Ribbon." Carmen squints at him without intending intimidation. Ribbon nods quickly and smiles brightly.

The day dragged on with Ribbon getting tired of the ball. He had no one to kick it to! He grumbles and lays on his stomach to chew on the ball in aggrivation. His eyes trailed off from his current actions and stared longingly at the locked wooden gate, squinting to try and see how the door worked from afar. An idea slipped into his mind, and he looked around for Carmen. Nowhere in sight. He pressed his body into the low grass and used his front paws to grab onto the grass and pull himself closer to the gate. As long as his movements weren't fast, he could avoid detection, Ribbon thought to himself. Slowly but surely, he made his way across the yard without even being noticed by Carmen in the Daycare's cooking pot area. It was now or never.

Ribbon is only a few feet from the gate now, with all the ability to finally see the gate's mechanism. His eyes glittered with excitement as he reached for the locking bar, chittering his teeth and barely able to contain himself.
"Ribbon! Aren't you a sweet heart, opening the gate for our company!" Carmen says suddenly from behind him. Ribbon yipes loudly and knocks the wooden bar out completely with his head, falling over to the side and rolling about on the ground while holding his head. Carmen laughs and greets Lei with a bright smile, gently bumping heads and chatting up a storm.
"Lei, its been so long! How are the little ones? Your coat is looking lovely today!" Carmen steps aside and allows the trio to enter the gate. Ribbon grints and sits up, looking at Carmen. She is still smiling even as she slow turns to face Ribbon. What a scary woman, he thought to himself with a loud gulp.

Lei seats herself mid-conversation with Carmen, enjoying some carrots that Carmen had prepared earlier. Lei sits down on a log as her two children stride up to her side, plopping down in the dirt. Nimbus carefully prunes her coat and bites out the leafs and twigs stuck from the travel here. She notices her brother Koji, struggling to get the leaves off his back, so she gently nudges his side, alerting Koji that she was there.
"Brother, you have leaves on you. Also..." Nimbus raises an eyebrow at Ribbon, who is bent forward wagging his scorpion tail about in the air so fast it was blowing the leaves off Koji's back.
"Nevermind, leaves taken care of - and there's-" Nimbus could not finish her sentence as Ribbon bolts forwards at the first Isomara that was closest: Koji.

Koji cannot see, and only senses another thing coming up to him quickly. Though, not panicked more than surprised, he steps back slightly and bumps into Nimbus, which jolts him into a visible flinch.
"Hello! Hello, I am Ribbon! Let's play!" Ribbon bounds around and giggles at the new isomara he has never seen before.
"O-oh! Hello Ribbon, I am Koji, uhm..." Koji hears Ribbon bouncing up and down, so Koji mimicked what he could hear and began hopping around as well. Though the timing was mismatched, Ribbon was excited nonetheless. Nimbus shakes her head and chuckles at the two interacting.

"Koji! Your name is so cool! Here, catch this!" Ribbon speeds over to his leather ball and slaps it towards Koji. Koji is unsure of a sudden and growing sound of grass moving near him, so he stops bouncing and prepares for some kind of isomara-related impact. The ball whiffs past Koji, all while he maintained his head forward. Ribbon was a little confused, unsuare of why Koji didn't want to play. He trots up closer to Koji, looking at his face.
"Be nice to Koji, Ribbon." Carmen says. Ribbon's fur poofs up in response to her sudden interjection.
"Y-yes ma'am." Ribbon's fur recompacts. He carefully comes closer and sniffs Koji's snout. He smelled like flowers, usual of Isomara, so nothing was out of place. He moves to the left, and Koji looks in that direction - but not with his eyes, with his ears. Unusual.
"Koji! Let's play another game!" Ribbon dashes off to find the stick he tripped over earlier.
"Uhm-! Alright?" Koji backs up and presses his side to Nimbus, who was busy eating a carrot.

"Brother, have a carrot piece. Carmen got it for us!" Nimbus presses her head gently to Koji's head, guiding both down to the ground where the carrot was to allow him to snack as well. Once obtained, Koji hears the scampering of fast-footed isomara - Ribbon was near. He braced for interaction.
"Shtick! I'hve shtick! Praye shtick wif meh!" Ribbon has a perfect chewing stick half in his mouth, but with a good grip. He slides to a halt and swings his stick, but thinks for a second. Perhaps it would be better to be gentle. He very carefully places the stick in front of Koji's snout, alerting him of an object. Koji is unsure, and nudges his sister.
"That is a stick, Koji. Grab on!" Nimbus pushes him gently with her shoulder, getting on the stick line herself and biting onto the end. Koji felt Ribbon pressed on him from the right and his sister on the left, with the object at his nose. He gently grabs onto the stick.

Ribbon and Nimbus nod to eachother, taking some first few steps. Ribbon eyeballs the opened front gate of the Daycare, as he had forgotten to close it. The trio waltzed forward slowly, turning and walking along the fenceline to gauge how big the yard was. Ribbon spits out his half and turns to speak to Koji.
"This is where I live! All this open yard to play with, but no isolings like yourselves to come around. Koji, how fast can you run?" Ribbon grabs onto the stick and bounces around happily.
"W-Well, I don't really..." Koji releases the stick to speak to Ribbon, then bites back onto it.
"Alright! Let's run in a big circle! Nothing to run into, so we are safe!" Ribbon picks up the pace, foot by foot, letting Nimbus help curb the turn on her side.

The Daycare's yard is wide enough for the trio to play fully in the massive circles that Ribbon is sprinting in. Koji could keep up, only barely, and Nimbus had no trouble matching Ribbon's speed. After several laps around the yard, Ribbon took the lead and headed straight for the open gate. Carmen and Lei were too far away from the three isolings to do anything!
"Nimbus! Koji!" Lei stands up suddenly, but Carmen puts her paw up.
"No no, just watch." Carmen sits down, watching the three attempt to gain freedom. Ribbon could see it - the outside! Finally, his dreams of going into the big world were here! He realized the folley of his idea all too late as the stick was too big to let all three of the isolings out at the same time out the small gate. They collide with the sides of it and get clotheslined directly into the dirt.

Nimbus, Koji, and Ribbon all lay on their backs, feet stuck up in the air, completely stunned from what just transpired.
"Ribbon." Koji says sternly, spitting out a piece of bark.
"Yes Koji?" Ribbon spits out an entire chunk of the stick.
"That... Was so much fun." Koji bursts into a fit of laughter. Ribbon was sure his new friend would not like him after that... But this was an interesting playout. Ribbon joins in with Koji and laughs up a storm. Nimbus finally cracks her serious demeanor and chuckles at Ribbon's silliness. With all three of them laughing so much, Lei had no worry of her children. Carmen was struggling to keep her posture and stifled a series of honking giggles.
"That... Was so cute..." Carmen says and goes to fetch some general medical supplies from the Daycare hut. She wasn't about to let them be knocked down like that with no help at all.

The end of the day drew near and the sun was only under-a-quarter through the sky before Lei was taking her little ones from the Daycare, content on her social interaction with Carmen. Ribbon had two pieces of fabric stuff up both nostils and some magical salve from Hasha smeared on his maw from Carmen, while Koji had some bumps and scratches melded over with medival salve as well. Nimbus was very content having survived the scenario with no scrapes, giggling at Koji as a falling leaf stuck to his face. Koji pressed his side to Nimbus and allowed her to lead him forward and out of the Daycare yard. Carmen waves and says her goodbyes, nodding to Ribbon and motioning with her head to say something. Ribbon suddenly remembers he has to say goodbye.
"H-hey Koji! Hey Nimbus! I had fun today! Please be my friend!" Ribbon leaps up into the air, lands wide, and poofs up his fur as he shouts. Koji pauses for a moment and turns his head to face Ribbon.
"Let's be the best of friends!" Koji grins wide and yells back.
"You got it!" Nimbus nudges Koji and they both giggle to eachother.

Carmen helps Ribbon into his bed, watching the very energetic isoling bounce around. Ribbon could barely contain himself.
"Well, Ribbon, what did you learn today meeting Koji and Nimbus?" Carmen pulls a sheet over Ribbon and tucks him in.
"Koji... Cannot see me!" Ribbon blurts out. "I even smelled him and tossed a ball, but he didn't see anything. Does that mean I'm invisible?" Ribbon smirks and has a sly face on. Carmen sighs and shakes her head at him.
"You are too loud to be invisble, Ribbon. However, you are still correct. Koji is blind, that means his eyes do not work like yours or mine." Carmen explains. She sits down next to Ribbon and watches him get comfy.
"Wow... That's so cool. I like Koji a lot, and Nimbus is so strong!" Ribbon closes his eyes, still grinning wide. "I want... To see the big world with them..." Ribbon trails off to sleep, still mumbling something about running and eating bugs. Carmen scoffs at his tenacity, mostly because it was baffling to her that a little isoling like Ribbon had such huge dreams so early. She carefully stepped out of the Daycare bedding area and leaves to bed herself down for the night. Tomorrow was going to be a big day, for sure.

Submitted By PowerClapView Favorites
Submitted: 8 months and 3 weeks agoLast Updated: 8 months and 3 weeks ago

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OtterlyKath Avatar

10 May 2024, 11:56:48 MST

Oh my goodness this was such the adorable read and exactly the personalities I had in mind for the twins! You captured everyone so wonderfully here~!!
The way Ribbon played and interacted with Koji was so touching, especially during their send off at the end and the exchange he had with Carmen at bed time. ;; The trio in general were depicted so fun and wholesome, their run about the yard and grand escape with the stick was simply precious! ♡

Oh, I'm definitely going to have to draw up a little something inspired by this piece. ✍️ Thank you so very much for writing about Ribbon meeting my little Iso family and being willing to create connections with them!

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