[Taming] - They Just Can't Make It Easy...
"That's the last of it," Weaver thought to himself, plucking some last few strands of wheat. Hopefully this would be enough to satisfy Thyme's request, right? But as soon as he gathered up the bundle of wheat and headed off to find Thyme, little did he realize he had company. Something was stalking him from the nearby bushes, watching him intently with stingers bared. Once he was far enough away, it made its presence known.
A sudden snap of a twig caught Weaver's attention. Before he could even ask himself what it was, he saw it--a Memora! He'd dealt with a few before out in the jungle, so he had a vague idea of how to handle being set upon by one, but this one somehow completely caught him by surprise.With barely any time to react, he ran for it. He wasn't as fast on land as he was in the trees, but he had to try to outrun this Memora--who seemed deadset in chasing him out of his territory. It almost caught up with him enough times to get within stinging distance that at some point, he took flight. Perhaps a few strands of wheat had to be sacrificed in the process, but better to lose some of his findings than potentially losing much worse to an overly tenacious Memora, right?
But as he flew, he had a brief thought. What if he tried to tame this Memora after making his delivery? He knew it was possible, but he wasn't entirely sure what went into doing that. It seemed a little more complicated than taming a Goom or a Blepper... Once he got home, he reckoned, he'd go ask around for help. It would be nice to have a companion, and even better to have one that could follow him around in the trees.
This is a followup to my last submission. I'm finally getting around to taming prompts, hooray! In collecting the wheat Thyme requested, Weaver runs into an unexpected difficulty.
Submitted By benightedswallow
Submitted: 1 month and 2 weeks ago ・
Last Updated: 1 month and 2 weeks ago