[#8] Genesis Farms

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Genesis resides on the outskirts, having met Henry a few times. “He’s a weird one, I don’t entertain his theatrics.” Genesis drawls with a stretch. He digs at the ground a bit, messing up where a weed was trying to grow. “I was hoping to push this visit back another month, but some stuff came up, you know?”

Onyxia’s lips pursed up, unimpressed and unamused. “Your farm will surely be fine for the week–”

Paprika waved his arm, metaphorically pushing his words away. His wing extended out in an attempt to hide Onyxia from sight. “He’s just grumpy we woke him up from his noon nap! We’d be honoured to help you out by watching your place!”

Genesis tutted, a bit ruffled at Onyxia’s words. “My crops are my pride. If anything is misplaced, you’ll be the one to pay back double the shells, young man.”

The two Isomara huffed at each other, but seemed to be in a weird agreement.

“Look look! They even have a humbles nest!” Streetlight burst from the field full of excitement. Her flailing made the rows of stalks wave, the crude fence doing nothing to keep her from vaulting over them.

“Please be careful of the corn!” Genesis called out, fretting at the prospect of replanting any of it. “They take a long while, they’re my most important crop. One day, you’ll find corn at Pacings’, and it will be all thanks to me!” They puffed out their chest, pride radiating from them.

“I look forward to that!” Paprika shares that pride, excited for that future.

“Just another reason why you need to be diligent watching my farm for me. I’ll be back here in a week; I’ll send Laish’s Memora over if I’ll be longer, but I shouldn’t be.” Genesis hums. “I truly am thankful to have you all watch over my farm for me, I’ll be sure y’all will be one of the first ones to receive some corn, after Pacings and Slayer of course.”

— — — — —

“Genesis said that when the first bits of autumn come in, Henry shows up more often. He’s also known to mess with crops, so we have to watch the outskirts.” Paprika recalled to Streetlight. “I’ve seen him once or twice, he doesn’t seem too bad, but Onyxia says I am too trusting.”

“Onyxia calls me weird, but I think that’s funny since he’s weird too!” Streetlight laughed, looking in the shell of a house Genesis had set up for them. Onyxia had retired inside first once the sun had started to set. They’d wake him up once either Paprika or Streetlight grew tired, intending to take shifts through the night.

“Henry is probably just hungry, it’d be hard to survive out there without Darwin or Pacings, even Hasha.” Paprika pondered aloud, Streetlight humming in agreement. She held her staff close, the ectoplasm sloshing inside the jar. It was a nice illumination for the otherwise quite dark night, the moon a crisp crescent and will only wane more as the week proceeds.

The beat of silence was calming, though left them both feeling a bit uneasy.

“I’ll go on ahead and take a look overhead! Make sure everything is alright. It’s still early, but Onyxia said something about how many critters like to come out riiiight after sunset!” Paprika jumped afoot, stepping back to let his wings stretch out.

Streetlight waved to him as he took flight, wings beating against the smoothed dirt, and he soared above the fields. Genesis really did live further out than what Paprika was used to; these outskirts reminded him more of explorations than a home to live at. Genesis had taken specific trees and dug around them, isolating them and even felling a few larger trees around them to help them grow. Paprika could listen to the process for hours, but he feared his constant questions made Genesis weary.

The crude outline of the field was marked with sticks, branches, and logs. It was hard to make out in the dark, but they’d been given a tour twice before Genesis had waved off and then took flight, becoming a gull in the distance and then disappearing entirely. There was ivy covering some patches, others needed to be spruced up, and some just had some rocks placed around instead of any loggings. A mismatch of reinforcements for Genesis’ field. It was quite impressive what they’ve done on their own!

The coast was clear, thankfully, and Paprika landed back in the dirt clearing that the three were settling at. Genesis’ own hobble was closed off in preparation for his week-long leave, leaving just the trio of makeshift lean-tos for them.

“Genesis really did set us up pretty nicely!” Paprika praised, taking another appreciation for the temporary stays for them. Streetlight agreed, stifling a yawn. It hadn’t been too long since the sun had set, but running around in all the rows of crops and exploring had worn her out a bit.

Seeing her exhaustion, Paprika was quick to reassure her. “Hey, I’ll go and walk the perimeter next time for you! Then after I get back, you can swap out with Onyxia. That sound fine?”

“Yeah, that sounds great! Sorry, I’m so tired.”

“No problem, it’s been an exciting day! Thank you for joining us, I feel more comfortable having three of us than just me and Onyxia.”

“This is a large area! Genesis really has his work cut out for him. He does a lot,” Streetlight reviewed, looking out at the land again. “Some folk are just built differently!”

Paprika’s brows scrunched at the weird phrasing. “Yeah! Different! But not bad.” He agreed, not fully understanding, but definitely agreeing.

– – – – –

Another two hours had passed before Streetlight’s yawns had gotten more persistent. She was settling into the chair, eyes drooping, her staff falling against her more than her leaning it upright. The glow was giving a more soporific effect than helping her see around her.

“Alrightly, I’m going to take that perimeter round now!” Paprika announced, startling Streetlight more awake. She stood, stretching her legs as they were numb after sitting for so long. She watched Paprika as he walked away, staying tucked in the inside of the outline as Genesis had shown them to do. He eventually weaved past a tall plant and disappeared.

Streetlight’s tail swished behind her, shifting her weight to one leg and straightening the other. She did the same with the other, before stretching her little wings as well. Her back felt like it needed to pop, suddenly wishing Chernobog was here to help before she twisted and heard a yelp resound from the direction Paprika went in.

“H-Help!” Paprika shouted, and Streetlight took off towards him. She vaulted the fencing and darted past the corn stalks before freezing.

In front of both of them was a large, rainbow-coloured Memic. If Streetlight were to guess, it’d be as surprised to see them as they were to see it, but the feathers around its neck started to flare, head lowering with that sharp beak getting closer to the two of them.

Paprika may be frozen in place, his own feathers expanding in fear, but Streetlight shrieked, starting all three of them, and smacked the oversized bird on the head with her staff. A resounding whap! was heard and the Memic squawked, startled. Streetlight yelled again in fear as it moved, and she whacked it again. Paprika jumped back, grabbed a stick from the fencing, and shouted as he threw it. It smacked the Memic’s side, and it cawed again, roaring, and backing away.

The Memic, scared out of its mind, took off. Streetlight screamed and began the chase after it. Paprika shouted for Streetlight to come back and ran after her. Onyxia, who had woken up from all the screaming, was also trailing them, the three of them chasing the Memic out and off of the farm.

– – – – –

Geez, it’d be at least another six days of these shenanigans.

[#8] Genesis Farms
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In Prompt Pavilion ・ By solar-prince

Can also be read on Toyhou.se

Submitted By solar-prince
Submitted: 3 weeks and 1 day agoLast Updated: 2 weeks and 5 days ago

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